Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Night Before

So here I am starting off on the first stages of my journey to a new world. It is the night before I leave and I find myself filled with many thoughts, making sleep next to impossible. I, as many of you know, am headed of to Hong Kong and the greater Orient to spend the semester studying and learning in a new place for me to call home. I am going on this trip through Syracuse University and from what I have heard they do a great job of running and organizing this trip. As for a preliminary schedule here it is: I will be getting to Hong Kong and spending the first three days in the city going through orientation, after that I will be headed to Beijing, Shanghai and Xian for a two week seminar on the culture and lifestyle of the emerging Chinese nation, following that trip I will have ten weeks of classes and then a month to either do an internship or an independent study research project. I will be returning home on December 22 hopefully with many great pictures and even better stories.